Here is your bucket list for Mandalay.
Places to visit in Mandalay
1. Mandalay Palace
2. Mandalay hill
3. Shwenandaw monastery
4. Kuthotaw Pagoda
Restaurants in Mandalay
1. Daung Lann Gyi
2. Mingalaba restaurant
3. Tom Yam Koong
4. Sandar May (corner of 78th street and 37th street)
Cafe and cold drinks
1. Easy Way
2. Mandalay Donuts
3. Cafè JJ
Places out of Mandalay (Mingun)
1. Mingun Pahtodawgyi
2. Mingun Bell
3. Mya Thein Tan Pagoda (white pagoda)
4. Kaunghmutaw Pagoda
5. U Bein bridge